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Post Monthly Plugin Store Update: January 2025

Greetings, fellow enthusiasts! It's that time again for an exciting glimpse into the Plugin Store's statistics. Let's delve into the numbers and uncover the latest insights!

Fresh Additions
During January 2025, an impressive total of 43 new plugins have been submitted. Let's recognize and appreciate the following contributors who made significant contributions to this influx:
1. stARgazer!
5 plugins

1. James Simon Gallery
Downloads: 4,311
Rating: 64% by 22 ratings
Published: 2025-01-10
Last update: 2025-01-14

2. Shenzhen Mandarin Oriental
Downloads: 2,985
Rating: 78% by 18 ratings
Published: 2025-01-14
Last update: 2025-01-14

3. Viipuri Library
Downloads: 3,142
Rating: 70% by 20 ratings
Published: 2025-01-15
Last update: 2025-01-15

4. Barbican Estate Resident Tower
Downloads: 3,547
Rating: 90% by 20 ratings
Published: 2025-01-16
Last update: 2025-01-20

5. Vitra Design Museum
Downloads: 2,419
Rating: 87% by 15 ratings
Published: 2025-01-16
Last update: 2025-01-16

2. PixelBear
3 plugins

1. County Court of Justice
Downloads: 5,408
Rating: 82% by 33 ratings
Published: 2025-01-14
Last update: 2025-01-17

2. Urban Essentials
Downloads: 4,325
Rating: 33% by 39 ratings
Published: 2025-01-15
Last update: 2025-01-17

3. Vertical Digital Screen
Downloads: 1,813
Rating: 65% by 17 ratings
Published: 2025-01-17
Last update: 2025-01-20

2. Zidaan25
3 plugins

1. Richeese Factory
Downloads: 2,660
Rating: 85% by 13 ratings
Published: 2025-01-06
Last update: 2025-01-06

2. Telkom Indonesia
Downloads: 3,217
Rating: 88% by 16 ratings
Published: 2025-01-24
Last update: 2025-01-24

3. Decoration Flyover
Downloads: 1,963
Rating: 48% by 27 ratings
Published: 2025-01-24
Last update: 2025-01-24

Leading Creators
Here is a selection of our dedicated plugin creators who have been instrumental in enriching our collection:
By downloads
1. anhkatori2
Plugins: 48
Total downloads: 16,842,270
Average rating: 66% by 31169 ratings

2. TCPS Team
Plugins: 74
Total downloads: 7,248,516
Average rating: 53% by 17417 ratings

Plugins: 29
Total downloads: 6,583,088
Average rating: 65% by 14809 ratings

4. Stepanhie
Plugins: 29
Total downloads: 6,543,532
Average rating: 57% by 14809 ratings

5. Sergio2203
Plugins: 177
Total downloads: 5,749,424
Average rating: 58% by 17562 ratings

6. A dutch Guy
Plugins: 14
Total downloads: 5,316,509
Average rating: 67% by 11298 ratings

7. choggoba
Plugins: 17
Total downloads: 5,066,586
Average rating: 68% by 11622 ratings

Plugins: 20
Total downloads: 4,562,473
Average rating: 55% by 11903 ratings

9. Bevise
Plugins: 49
Total downloads: 4,084,000
Average rating: 57% by 10569 ratings

10. Arif
Plugins: 34
Total downloads: 3,998,335
Average rating: 72% by 9345 ratings

11. KINGTUT10101
Plugins: 35
Total downloads: 3,689,426
Average rating: 53% by 12898 ratings

12. Pederont
Plugins: 14
Total downloads: 3,228,959
Average rating: 59% by 8236 ratings

13. JustAnyone
Plugins: 15
Total downloads: 3,136,171
Average rating: 48% by 11869 ratings

14. AdmiralCarl
Plugins: 37
Total downloads: 3,108,036
Average rating: 53% by 7853 ratings

15. Carlão da massa
Plugins: 10
Total downloads: 3,068,604
Average rating: 70% by 5521 ratings

16. Maximum
Plugins: 20
Total downloads: 3,038,631
Average rating: 56% by 8990 ratings

17. Bernardo Brandão
Plugins: 63
Total downloads: 3,003,871
Average rating: 68% by 9276 ratings

18. Lobby
Plugins: 16
Total downloads: 2,893,409
Average rating: 45% by 13271 ratings

19. Ttownlover
Plugins: 30
Total downloads: 2,680,283
Average rating: 62% by 7180 ratings

20. Hadestia
Plugins: 7
Total downloads: 2,636,590
Average rating: 58% by 8224 ratings
By published plugins
1. Sergio2203
Plugins: 177
Total downloads: 5,749,424
Average rating: 58% by 17562 ratings

2. TCPS Team
Plugins: 74
Total downloads: 7,248,516
Average rating: 53% by 17417 ratings

3. Bernardo Brandão
Plugins: 63
Total downloads: 3,003,871
Average rating: 68% by 9276 ratings

4. Bevise
Plugins: 49
Total downloads: 4,084,000
Average rating: 57% by 10569 ratings

5. anhkatori2
Plugins: 48
Total downloads: 16,842,270
Average rating: 66% by 31169 ratings

6. PenangLion1016
Plugins: 48
Total downloads: 2,144,569
Average rating: 61% by 6800 ratings

7. erionit
Plugins: 43
Total downloads: 1,355,154
Average rating: 45% by 6172 ratings

8. TheFennekin
Plugins: 42
Total downloads: 1,231,989
Average rating: 52% by 4107 ratings

9. Ssss
Plugins: 40
Total downloads: 1,145,269
Average rating: 56% by 3853 ratings

10. Dekuz
Plugins: 40
Total downloads: 2,344,231
Average rating: 60% by 6709 ratings

11. AdmiralCarl
Plugins: 37
Total downloads: 3,108,036
Average rating: 53% by 7853 ratings

12. KINGTUT10101
Plugins: 35
Total downloads: 3,689,426
Average rating: 53% by 12898 ratings

13. reco0719
Plugins: 35
Total downloads: 493,737
Average rating: 32% by 1098 ratings

14. Arif
Plugins: 34
Total downloads: 3,998,335
Average rating: 72% by 9345 ratings

15. Ttownlover
Plugins: 30
Total downloads: 2,680,283
Average rating: 62% by 7180 ratings

Plugins: 29
Total downloads: 6,583,088
Average rating: 65% by 14809 ratings

17. Stepanhie
Plugins: 29
Total downloads: 6,543,532
Average rating: 57% by 14809 ratings

18. Pounkiller
Plugins: 28
Total downloads: 2,169,886
Average rating: 64% by 7508 ratings

19. DawoodMurtaza
Plugins: 28
Total downloads: 2,002,151
Average rating: 48% by 4950 ratings

20. Canguta666
Plugins: 28
Total downloads: 542,009
Average rating: 51% by 1391 ratings

Popular Plugins

1. Tesla Factory
Downloads: 2,101,858
Rating: 54% by 5665 ratings
Published: 2021-01-22
Last update: 2023-01-17

2. Recycling center
by Stepanhie
Downloads: 1,884,230
Rating: 59% by 4659 ratings
Published: 2021-01-04
Last update: 2023-08-21

3. Service Expansion
by Lobby
Downloads: 464,989
Rating: 59% by 1550 ratings
Published: 2023-12-05
Last update: 2025-01-08

4. One World Trade Center
by Kevin hung
Downloads: 2,333,403
Rating: 59% by 6576 ratings
Published: 2018-12-17
Last update: 2018-12-17

5. Big hospital
by anhkatori2
Downloads: 1,250,843
Rating: 67% by 1754 ratings
Published: 2021-07-29
Last update: 2022-05-18

6. Diagonal road
by Kartofun
Downloads: 2,072,566
Rating: 53% by 9375 ratings
Published: 2018-12-15
Last update: 2018-12-15

7. Waste To Energy Plant
by anhkatori2
Downloads: 1,168,849
Rating: 71% by 2026 ratings
Published: 2021-07-14
Last update: 2022-05-01

8. (easy) parking lot
by choggoba
Downloads: 1,510,492
Rating: 64% by 3693 ratings
Published: 2019-10-29
Last update: 2021-06-13

9. Allianz Parque Stadium
by Carlão da massa
Downloads: 1,371,165
Rating: 69% by 1862 ratings
Published: 2020-01-15
Last update: 2020-04-19

Views: 2440  •  Comments: 0  •  Post a reply

  • Newest Plugins

Post Ross Water Decal

Just for spoilers.
Hey guys, the improved version of the water decal is on the way.
May interrupt your already placed water decal for some water decals were swapped with another but the id remain.
This pack contains (by the name given):
- 3 Seashore Water
- 1 Ocean Water
- The normal in-game water decal but it looks different
- 1 Pink Water
- 1 Blood Water
- 2 Lava (Fresh and Cooled)
- 1 Lake/River Water
- 1 Pond Water
- 1 Dirty Water
- 1 Brown Water
- 1 River Water
Here are some spoiler images from a zoom height along with the minimap
Screenshot 2025-02-16 6.40.15 PM.png
Screenshot 2025-02-16 6.38.26 PM.png
Screenshot 2025-02-16 6.38.26 PM.png (3.89 KiB) Viewed 613 times
Screenshot 2025-02-16 6.37.30 PM.png
This will be uploaded to the store first before uploading here. You can go and download the now version and just stay tuned for the newer version.
See yah!

Views: 613  •  Comments: 0  •  Write comments

Post Bus depot extra frames

Hello to everybody
this time i made an alternative frame pack for the bus depot.

This plugin just includes:
○ 3 new bus depot frames

previewbusdeexfra.png (76.55 KiB) Viewed 2295 times
extraframes 1.zip
(50.02 KiB) Downloaded 1157 times

Views: 2295  •  Comments: 0  •  Write comments

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