Remoçao de semaforo [Traffic light removal]

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Thiago siega
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Joined: 20 Dec 2020, 22:27

Remoçao de semaforo [Traffic light removal]


Post by Thiago siega »

Ola sou novo na comunidade! estou jogando e tem algo que me incomoda muito que são os semáforos! tem algum modo de desativa-los por padrão?
ou algum Plugin que configure isso?

EN: "Hello, I'm new to the community! I'm playing, and there's something that really bothers me, which is the traffic lights! Is there any way to deactivate them by default, or any plugin that can configure this?"
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Re: Remoçao de semaforo [Traffic light removal]


Post by CommanderABab »

When building roads, there is a "use traffic light" icon that can be toggled during the build tool that will not place the traffic lights during the build process.
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