I can't code this upgrade

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I can't code this upgrade


Post by I_Support_Palestine »

I want to code a upgrade for my Small Hotel plugin but it won't work: (java error)

Code: Select all    Reset

[ { "id": "$Small_Hotellightnight", "type": "animation", "light": true, "light switching": true, "frames": [ { "bmp": "FVInight.png", "count": 4, "h": 41, "w": 33 } ], "rotation aware": true }, { "id": "$Small_Hotel02", "type": "animation", "frames": [ { "bmp": "SolarStay.png", "count": 4, "h": 41, "w": 33 } ], "rotation aware": true }, { "id": "$mall_hotel00", "type": "residential", "author": "I_Support_Palestine", "width": 1, "level": 2, "height": 1, "habitats": 20, "autobulid": true, "active": true, "frames": [ { "bmp": "FVI.png", "count": 4, "h": 41, "w": 33 } ], "frames winter": [ { "bmp": "FVIsnow.png", "count": 4, "h": 41, "w": 33 } ], "animation": [ { "id": "$Small_Hotellightnight", "x": 0, "y": -33 } ], "price": 200, "rotation aware": true, "draw ground": true, "water": "-50", "power": "-60", "build time": 5, "needs road": true, "text": "A small hotel.", "title": "Small Hotel", "upgrades": [ { "id": "$mall_hotel01", "animation": [ { "id": "$Small_Hotel02", "x": 7, "y": -21 } ], "price": 4000, "rotation aware": true, "bulid time": 5 }, { "title": "SolarStay", "text": "Renovation", "only one": true, "monthly price": 20 } ] } ]
JSON checker
Thanks if you will help
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Re: I can't code this upgrade


Post by wa64 »

I know that the power and water amounts do not need to be in quotation marks. not sure about your animation width being bigger than the building...
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