Fairview Coast: State of Cassini🏝️

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Fairview Coast: State of Cassini🏝️


Post by Luigi »

Cassini State
I always wanted to create a country sized map in theotown using the ingame collosal map sizes and decided to showcase it here, i'll be uploading a map and ill be showcasing the provinces and cities in different replies.
Just coming back in the forum to post this,Anyway heres the state map; :fire
Red- represents a city
Green- represents the provinces inbetween the cities
Yellow-represents the capital
Blue-represents a metro area

Fairview Coast is a fictional country created by me and it is a 2-state Country, Cassini and Montega which is located miles of Cassini in the southeast. Right now im only showcasing the Cassini State and soon Montega. The Country comprises of two large mainlands that has running beaches and Massive scaling cliffs. Especially in cassini, with its diverse climate and geography, it has deserts, jungles, redwood forests, palm fields and pineforests that dot the island, peninsulas run the mainland with cities built on it, which makes the island sustainable for trading and tourism. The beautiful and pristine beaches in cassini is worth dying for. Cassini State is also the richest state within the 2 mainlands and has the highest GDP of the country with its 2 richest city in the whole world. Cultures and religions are also diverse and make up the whole population with 300M residents at cassini and 240M residents at Montega. The capital of Cassini; Beverly Is the melting pot of the whole country as it provides the services and has the modern facilities that helps the state.
Here is an ingame map:

Beverly City
Rockford City
Hererra City
Mavela City
Rivahave City
Bristol City
Zancudo City
Gachsaran City
Slonter City
New Rivahave
Zancudo Alps; Leslie, Valeria, Kipton
Serrano Coast
Republic of Cherkin

:idea: MORE MAPS
Cassini State map with appropriate names
A Proper Highway Map
Pink roads represent the national highways.
Red represent the interstate highways.

Sorrounding states and Country

:arrow: EXTRA
--- more info here soon.
Gonna be showcasing the different cities and provinces in the next replies

:!: Future Work
-State of Montega
-New Country near Fairview Coast
Last edited by Luigi on 03 May 2022, 19:04, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: FAIRVIEW COAST- State of Cassini


Post by Luigi »

:!: The swampland province of Cassini, Home of the largest crocodile in the country which is currently being taken care of the local zoo. Waterdeep is a small port town that is located on the southeast of cassini state. It is the gateway of cassini from montega and it is next to Rockford City.
The town center, it has the local wet markets, motels and the usual fish market that is supplied in the rich sea by the local fisherman.

Not much to see here, except for it being the gateway to cassini from montega and the crocodile.
But the local fish market has something worth seeing every once in a while. Supplied by the port.
This port town has everything a port town has.
It is built next to a steep mountain that comprises the peninsula.

Extra pictures soon
Last edited by Luigi on 03 May 2022, 16:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FAIRVIEW COAST- State of Cassini


Post by Luigi »

:!: This Thriving city located within rockwood bay southeast of Cassini is a paradise and worth visiting for the nearby beaches. Dubbed the City of White Angels, it has the most religious population in the country. The city is the 4th richest city in the country. Has one of the beautiful island beaches in the world called Maya Maya island. It definitely is a paradise city.
Birds eye view
Downtown Area of the city, has the usual banks, offices, condos and the large TV tower.
The city has a large skyway that crosses downtown and the steel port for easy access and exit in the city.
Going north to province like Oxford, calpin, etc.
The Sattelite offices are also located here.
The world-famous white beach is the most visited area in rockford, it has the most pristine beach and best water to swim in the country.
Scuba diving, Shark sightings and whale sightings can also be performed in this beach.
Far from the city is the medieval remnants castle of Sir George's. Also a tourist site, there is also Catrisha beach next to it which is another good beach here in Rockford.

Rockford and the sorrounding provinces.
The Port and the Airport

One of the most livable cities in the country, Rockford City is definitely worth visiting and traveling to.
The paradise of the north and the most cultured and diverse city. More like a mix of Havana and Miami.

More info soon
Last edited by Luigi on 04 May 2022, 04:18, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: FAIRVIEW COAST- State of Cassini


Post by Luigi »

What do you guys think so far? :D
Should i add more infos? More pictures and possibly a detailed tour :mine
Last edited by Luigi on 03 May 2022, 16:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FAIRVIEW COAST- State of Cassini


Post by TheFennekin »

Welcome back! Loving the new Fairview Coast, more pics please.

Also, are you willing to go and take RPing another shot? I'll dm you for info :)
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Re: FAIRVIEW COAST- State of Cassini


Post by Luigi »

:idea: North of Rockford, Generally known as a stop-by town before heading to the capital. Oxford is a small town that specializes in processing industrial goods from nearby cities especially in Rockford. It has served rockford with its steel processing and transporting the cargo in the steel port of rockford.
The town center itself is not that impressive containing only a few restaurants and some shopping markets.
The night market is the best part in this town because at night, the avenue leading into the town center has a bustling night market that people love to visit and spend their money.
Industry from Sendong district is the town's money maker because it is the processing plant of many goods from other cities.
A humble town with a bustling night market is something to always look forward to.
On the far west of town is the Gislib Pit-stop, which is just north of rockford city after leaving town. This is usually where the truckers and private vehicles gas up or buy some foods before travelling long distances.

The town has great potential for a mining and industrial company for processing goods, not much to see in here except for a night stay at motels and enjoy the night market!

More info can be added here;
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Re: FAIRVIEW COAST- State of Cassini


Post by Luigi »

:idea: Northwest of Rockford and East of Rivahave City is the farming town of Calpin, the town mostly supplies the nearby metropolises with the farming goods, as one of the top exporter of rice and wheat. Calpin is one of the most progressive towns in the country. The town is located in a sloped hill and the farms are on the flat ground. The town has an ideal location for farming grounds at La Trinidad.

The town's avenue has the shops for the farmers, and the goods for everyone to buy. The town is mostly visited by countryside lovers and just looking for quality vegetables.
The town is also notorious for selling gardening equipment and the best garden flowers for sale.
The farmlands of Calpin is the town's bread and butter, making most of the province's income for quality goods.

The town is valuable for Rockford and Rivahave because it is the food provider for both cities.

More info ill add here soon;
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Re: Fairview Coast: State of Cassini🏝️


Post by Luigi »

Highly Urbanized City
:!: Situated in between peninsulas, and south of the mainland is the City of Rivahave (Ri-va-ha-vey). The city of gambling, it is loved by tourists that wants to spend a lot of money, with the state of the art casinos and hotels. The downtown is bustling with tourists trying to spend their money and earn some luck winning chips. Inspired by las vegas, it is also home to many entertainment venue and large malls. Landmarks dot the city with unique architecture all over and the city is one of the top notch high income city in the country.
The city comprises of large malls, casinos, hotels to serve the massive amounts of tourists gathering in Downtown. The city highway runs through the city into downtown and if looking for a diversion. The national highway is also located near downtown cutting through while sunken with interchanges for access into parts of the city.

A gantry craned port which can accomodate large vessels and passengers from different ships.
A fairly decent airport which can accomodate 200,000 passengers everyday.
Another look of the city at another angle, with the sunken national highway cutting in downtown.

Although a city with many opportunities, it is riddled with crime especially with the casino as mafias and cartels run the businesses. Many gangs can also be found in the city with many cases of criminal activity, Rivahave is not that safe.

More pics and info soon here,,
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Re: Fairview Coast: State of Cassini🏝️


Post by Luigi »


Just west of Rivahave is the fishing province of Fairhans, known for the rich sea especially in the area. Fairhans has the most exported seafoods because of the diverse, wild, rich sealife in the province. Major canning and seafood processing is found in this province in the town of Tubod.
Fairhans is the Go-To place of fishermens and just those who are enthusiastic about creatures in the sea.

In the town center lies the fish markets, local wet markets, convenience stores and the port for fish trading. Scuba diving and other ocean activities can also be accessed here.
The factories can be found north of the town.

Tubod Industrial has the major canning and fishing industries which supply the port for trading in other cities.
It is the first district you see when entering the province.

On the other side of Sina Maria Bay is where the residents and workers live, mostly the fishermens.

Just outside of the main town is the usual farmlands, although closer to the city of Rivahave, it is still part of the province.
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Re: Fairview Coast: State of Cassini🏝️


Post by kaktusowaty »

how can i get map like this
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Re: Fairview Coast: State of Cassini🏝️


Post by Mendel Group »

You should visit the Role play section. It is made for such stuff.
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Re: Fairview Coast: State of Cassini🏝️


Post by Milbona »

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