Cassini State

I always wanted to create a country sized map in theotown using the ingame collosal map sizes and decided to showcase it here, i'll be uploading a map and ill be showcasing the provinces and cities in different replies.
Just coming back in the forum to post this,Anyway heres the state map;

Red- represents a city
Green- represents the provinces inbetween the cities
Yellow-represents the capital
Blue-represents a metro area

Fairview Coast is a fictional country created by me and it is a 2-state Country, Cassini and Montega which is located miles of Cassini in the southeast. Right now im only showcasing the Cassini State and soon Montega. The Country comprises of two large mainlands that has running beaches and Massive scaling cliffs. Especially in cassini, with its diverse climate and geography, it has deserts, jungles, redwood forests, palm fields and pineforests that dot the island, peninsulas run the mainland with cities built on it, which makes the island sustainable for trading and tourism. The beautiful and pristine beaches in cassini is worth dying for. Cassini State is also the richest state within the 2 mainlands and has the highest GDP of the country with its 2 richest city in the whole world. Cultures and religions are also diverse and make up the whole population with 300M residents at cassini and 240M residents at Montega. The capital of Cassini; Beverly Is the melting pot of the whole country as it provides the services and has the modern facilities that helps the state.
Here is an ingame map:

Beverly City
Rockford City
Hererra City
Mavela City
Rivahave City
Bristol City
Zancudo City
Gachsaran City
Slonter City

New Rivahave
Zancudo Alps; Leslie, Valeria, Kipton
Serrano Coast
Republic of Cherkin

Cassini State map with appropriate names

A Proper Highway Map
Pink roads represent the national highways.
Red represent the interstate highways.

Sorrounding states and Country

--- more info here soon.
Gonna be showcasing the different cities and provinces in the next replies

-State of Montega
-New Country near Fairview Coast