So this is my free-to-use pixel art stuffs. These may be few, but due to the few plugins I currently making I cannot release all of them or just some are not for release. Always credit me cus' I made them. Due to unfortunate circumstances, the shadow that I promised is lost. I accidentally overwrite it with another work that I working with so I have to redo it if I have time.
airportfiretruck1.png (2.29 KiB) Viewed 9009 times
E-one Titan 8x8.
airporttowingvic.png (1 KiB) Viewed 9009 times
fueltruck1.png (1.86 KiB) Viewed 9009 times
fueltruck2.png (1.97 KiB) Viewed 9009 times
fueltruck3.png (2.16 KiB) Viewed 9009 times
fueltruck4.png (1.81 KiB) Viewed 9009 times
Fuel trucks.
truckcab.png (695 Bytes) Viewed 9009 times
The two parts on the right is a bit ugly for me. I've adjust it several times now and I can't get it right.
JJ Roosevelt wrote: ↑12 Feb 2022, 08:28
Hello! I'm always enjoying your work!If you don't mind, I'd love to use a modern military pack. Do you have any plans to release it?
If you are sayin that you want to use them then go ahead as long as you credit me, as always, and what do you mean "Do you have any plans to release it". I have other plans on military pack. In fact I have plans to make some and I am planning to fix the Hesco wall.