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The reason why it took me so long to make a plugin like that since the begin of year

Posted: 03 May 2023, 10:57
by KMr06
Hi everyone, it may have been a long time since I last posted the plugin (probably in early February).
I'm so sorry it has been a long time since I posted any plugins to the store, actually I had a problem that the phone was dropped, broke and lost data at the end of March.

Because of this, almost 80% of all the projects which I was working on were lost except for a few that were put on Drive.
It broke me down completely, and when my parents bought me a new phone, I hoped I could keep drawing. That was until I downloaded the drawing app again and tried it, but it crashed when forcing layers together and also when saving files.

Maybe i can start making plugins again from June right after I have finished the second term.
And I also hope that there won't be any more bad luck like this anymore :(

Love from KMr06 :) :lol: