MO Allied Lightning Rod

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MO Allied Lightning Rod


Post by Player_no_Zero »

lrd.jpg (36.29 KiB) Viewed 3352 times
Mayor. Leaders of Euro Alliance decided to give one of their technologies in a fear of power loss in a case of lightning storm. This is Lightning Rod, I'm sure you are aware of this just by looking at it. It's original purpose is... Confedencial, but worry not because they are known for Weather Control Technology first created by Albert Einstein in counter to also his work, Nuclear as used by the soviets in a missile silo.
This rod can withstand disasters and left still standing.
It is on your hands mayor. Don't understatement it. It's quite usefull.
Editor's Note:
Another Mental Omega Plugin.
So my plugin got suspended which brokes my heart because I wanna give something special to everyone.
Lightning Rod being placed to fire up those Thor Gunship
Lightning Rod being placed to fire up those Thor Gunship
LightningRod.gif (2.37 MiB) Viewed 3352 times
So what is this you might be asking. Well this is a lightning rod from C&C Mental Omega mod for C&C Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge.
It's a support for Euro Alliance, Allied subfaction. It's purpose is to give some energy to base and fire up those Thor Gunship. Since all Allies had access to Weather Control Technology, they use this technology to their advantage to the battlefield. Thor Gunship uses lightning bolts as a method of attack from air-to-air or air-to-surface.
This is not much a 1-to-1 copy of the orginal thing but close. I hope you really enjoy using it.
It has little changes.
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