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Highways Won't Work

Posted: 21 Sep 2023, 04:24
by Deathbringer5000
Hey there guys.

I've been running into a strange issue for roughly about a month and can't seem to fix this particular issue. Everytime I try to build a highways, npc vehicles simply refuse to use them. It's very frustrating. In the past years ago, I've had those issues but was easily fixable (changing the direction of certain lanes for example if I was using the left-hand traffic features), or by creating more efficient routes through heavy traffic areas. Unfortunately none of my usual methods of encouraging the NPC vehicles to use the highway system seems to be working and its starting to kill the vibe.

There have only been extremely rare instances where I have seen a bus from a plugin or a few cars actually use the system but they'll randomly disappear.

What do you guys think, and does anything seem out of the ordinary. (For reference, because I usually use left-hand traffic, I tried to have the highways use right-hand traffic instead, but it still doesn't seem to work).

Re: Highways Won't Work

Posted: 23 Sep 2023, 10:22
by Pinetoken
Cars won't take highways that go to the end of the map, if they do then they'll just disappear.
The only way to get them driving is to make their destination connect with the highway and cut off all other alternative routes, or pinch a u-turn at the end of the highway.

Re: Highways Won't Work

Posted: 24 Sep 2023, 12:53
by emyaqin
I can confirm that I have this bug too, not just highway, but every one-way road in the game. It seems like the vehicle won't go to their destination using one-way road or when they somehow used it, they were just suddenly dissapeared.

I already test it with calling the emergency vehicle with one normal road that goes around the map and one shortcut one-way road, and the vehicle chose to use the longer road to go to its destination.

One note though, I use also use the left-hand traffic as the op did.