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Public map

Posted: 21 Oct 2015, 18:08
by ssaajjkkoo
I am Alex,

My english is not so good, so read carefuly :)

What you think about creating some big online world, but for start, this will only be a big map with miniature cities of players. Every player will got on this place some part of land, same like huge map, and we will play it offline but when we are online, our cities will be uploaded on that map.

you can maybe make some countries, so players can make cities in real (flat :D no mountains) regions, and every city can pay taxes to country. money from taxes will be given to new cities.. or something like that..

Posted: 21 Oct 2015, 21:02
by theotheoderich
Hello Alex,

Thank you for your idea.

I am the graphic designer, not the programmer but, as far as I know, we do not plan to add online abilities to the game. Sorry :oops:

Our "big picture" is to have a great (offline) gameplay and no bugs.
We work hard on the game in our free time...we want you to have as much fun as possible with TheoTown.