Mako1137's plugins

All the plugins this user has uploaded.
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  • Plugin

  • Hello, guys! This is my ninth time uploading this plugin after some trial and error. I hope you like it!

    This plugin is very useful for providing 300 kW of energy and 600 Lh of water. Sorry, I couldn't add the waste disposal aspect into my plugin because it's not allowed for me. Do note this plugin creates 2 pollution and 1 noise per tile due to the garbage inside it. Alright, that's the end of the aspects!

    Credits to FVI for making me another texture which worked out.

    Hotfix: Fixed an error when the plugin zip refuses to load the file, it should function now. Added varieties to make it more complex.

    Update v1.0.2: Added an large building. Same purposes, but more power. Fixed shortly where it looks glitchy.
    Supply (Energy, Water, Waste Disposal)

    by Mako1137 » 08 Sep 2022, 01:21


    by 49 ratings