Let's have a look at how changing the existing water can be achieved now:
Code: Select all Reset
[ { "min version":1978, // Don't forget to specify when uploading to store "id":"$water00", // Let's chagne the existing water "inherit":true, // By using inherit we only have to specify stuff that changes "type":"ground", "frames":[ {"bmp":"water_tiles.png","w":32,"handle y":4,"count": 32} ], "sparkle frames":[ {"bmp":"sparkle_tiles.png","w":32,"handle y":4,"count": 32} ], "map color":{"r":39,"g":168,"b":193} // Let's use an appropriate color in the minimap } ]
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A new feature is that there can be different types of water in the game. Here's an example of how a lava water type could be implemented:
Code: Select all Reset
[ { "min version":1978, // Don't forget to specify when uploading to store "id":"$lava00", "type":"ground", "water":true, // It's not really water, but that's how it works "frames":[ {"bmp":"lava_tiles.png","w":32,"handle y":4,"count": 32} ], "edge frames":[{"x":192,"y":96,"w":16,"h":48,"count":2}], "dark water color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255}, // Prevent it form being dark dependent on depth "light water color":{"r":0,"g":0,"b":0}, // Prevent it from being lighter near the coast "water speed":0.5, // Slower animation seems appropriate "light":true, // Let it glow in the night "map color":{"r":255,"g":100,"b":20} // Let's use an appropriate color in the minimap } ]
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