Functionality using fun

Any information about the fun attribute is given here.

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Functionality using fun


Post by Lobby »


in this topic I'll try to give a step-by-step guide into fun functionality. Dependent on your current knowledge it might need some time getting used to it. However, fun is a real powerful tool to create buildings that react to their environment or to user interaction. By now (version 343) the system is for from completion. Nevertheless, functionality as it's described here should still work with future updates as new functionality will be added primarily.

1. Getting started
To keep it simple I'll just focus on the fun part of a sample plugin. For this reason I'll use frames which are built right into the game so you don't have to bother with them. However, you can make them as complex as usual for your projects. Also building size isn't limited by fun, but a size of width:1, height:1 makes it much easier.

Let this be our starting point of a simple plugin:

Code: Select all

    "frames":[{"x":288,"y":0,"w":32,"h":32,"count":2,"offset x":1024,"offset y":1024}]
You don't have to worry about the frames definition, it just means that we load two frames of this image:
fun_frames.png (1.08 KiB) Viewed 30526 times
So, now let's add some fun to it. To do so, we use the fun attribute:

Code: Select all

    ... // Just as before
Try to guess what this code does.

Solution: If the building was placed with frame 0, it will eventually switch to frame 1.

Let's analyze "fun" a bit further. It takes an array of objects which we refer to as transitions (as they are similar to the transitions in a state machine). A transition has the form (simplified)

Code: Select all

if (condition) then do actions
The ability to provide multiple transitions allows us to perform different actions on different conditions. Details about when and which transition will be taken will follow later.

What does the condition

Code: Select all

exactly to? It checks whether there's a building at the current position (that is the position of the building in which we define fun) which also has set frame 0 as current frame. If this is true, the condition evaluates to true so the actions can be performed.

We provide a single action

Code: Select all

which tries to set the frame of the building at the current position (so of this building) to 1.

2. Multiple transitions
For now, it's boring if our plugin just switched frame 0 to 1. We want to switch back from 1 to 0 eventually. To do so, we can use the ability to provide multiple transitions:

Code: Select all

    ... // As before
Simple, isn't it? But wait, you might say what if the frame is 0 the first transition's condition will be true so the first action will be performed. But after that, the condition of the second transition becomes true so that the frame will be set back to 0 immediately.

True, but that's not how transitions and their actions are executed. Instead, all conditions of all transitions are evaluated at the same time. After that, only one transition whose condition was true is selected to perform it's actions. If no condition was true, no actions will be performed. How often does this happen? For "fun" this process is performed daily. So the building will switch it's frame each day except you pause the game.

3. Tap sensitivity
You might say that we can achieve the exact same behavior by using an animation. That's true, and for this functionality I would also recommend to use animations instead as it's much easier. But what if we want our building to change it's frame only if the user taps on it? We cannot achieve this with animations alone, but with fun it's fairly easy: We just have to replace "fun" with "on click fun". This fun will be performed only if the user taps on the building.

So our final code for this looks like that:

Code: Select all

    "frames":[{"x":288,"y":0,"w":32,"h":32,"count":2,"offset x":1024,"offset y":1024}],
    "on click fun":[
Note that you can define "fun" and "on click fun" both in a single plugin. So you can do both, daily transitions as well as touch sensitive transitions. This is used for example in these sample plugins:
Wandering Animals :plugin
Game of Life :plugin

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Re: Fun


Post by Brody Craft »

This is very mind bending O_o

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Re: Fun


Post by Lobby »

Any questions? I know that it's not easy.

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Re: Fun


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No questions...

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Re: Fun


Post by Bearbear76 »

Brody Craft wrote:
13 Sep 2017, 12:43
No questions...
Trust me this is hard ;)
But it feels so good when you finally get it right :lol: 8-)

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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by Josh »

You can make whole new systems with this :)

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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by KINGTUT10101 »

Could you help me figure out how to make a plug-in that will replace nearby buildings. Basically a building that will spread if it's next to other buildings.

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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by CommanderABab »

Build is in the actions.

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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by Lobby »

The syntax isn't correct, in JSON objects consist of name:value-pairs while your "$building2" stands alone (how sad). To check for a building, use type:building and provide your id as value of id:value. See here:

Code: Select all

If you have only one condition you can simplify the code by removing the and-group:

Code: Select all


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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by Lobby »

4 tiles into each direction? Do you mean like the red tiles here?:

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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by Lobby »

I would use "count" to do that. count evaluates all inner conditions and counts how many of them hold true. Let's say it found n true conditions. The count condition is then true iff min≤n≤max or n=z (depending on whether you provided min, max or z).

Code: Select all

This code isn't short by any means, but at least it works :space

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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by Bearbear76 »

Is it possible to make a plug-in with functions like this
Also if it is tell me I need help
For example you have four buildings A¹ , A² , B¹ , B²
If you click A¹ you will get A² but you can only turn A² back into A¹
if B² is next to it also to prevent B² making A² into A¹ accidentally
There is 2 modes for the B building B¹ (off) B² (on)
If you click B¹ (off) you get B² (on) that can change A² back to A¹
so simply B building is like a switch and A building is like a light bulb

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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by CommanderABab »


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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by Bearbear76 »


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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by CommanderABab »

(1.56 KiB) Downloaded 608 times

Code: Select all

//Is it possible to make a plug-in with functions like this
// Also if it is tell me I need help
//For example you have four buildings
// A¹ , A² , B¹ , B²
//If you click A¹ you will get A² 
//but you can only turn A² back into A¹
//if B² is next to it also to prevent B²
// making A² into A¹ accidentally
//There is 2 modes for the B building
// B¹ (off) B² (on)
//If you click B¹ (off) you get B² (on) 
//that can change A² back to A¹
//so simply B building is like a switch and A 
//building is like a light bulb
 "build time":0,
 "on click fun":[
      { "condition":{
 "build time":0,
 "on click fun":[
      { "condition":{
           {"type":"building nearby","id":"b2","min":1,"max":8},  
 "build time":0,
 "on click fun":[
      { "condition":{
 "build time":0,
 "on click fun":[
      { "condition":{
:teach :json

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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by CommanderABab »

Lobby :

Code: Select all

"random fun":[] 
can be used to create new stuff randomly


Lobby :
it's transitions are called for random x,y on the map

That could be disastrous. Cause pipe leaks and so forth. ;)

Lobby :
Yes, might be used for something like that😁


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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by CommanderABab »

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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by KINGTUT10101 »

Can we make a building detect what frame another building is on?

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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by Lobby »


Code: Select all

Use x and y to look relatively to the current building's position. "x":1,"y":0 is the neighboring tile in south-east direction (if the city is not rotated).

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Re: Functionality using fun


Post by KINGTUT10101 »

What code can be used for fun where the condition is always true?

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