Animation control

Any information about the fun attribute is given here.

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Animation control


Post by Lobby »

An often requested feature is animation control using fun. It's possible in recent versions and looks like that :json

Code: Select all

    "id": "$anim_test_control00",
    "type": "terrain",
      {"id":"$animationfan00","x":-16,"y":-48}  // Animation slot 0
    "on click fun":{
      "condition":{"type":"animation running"},   // Is animation in slot 0 running?
      "action":{"type":"animation pause"},        // Pause it
      "else action":{"type":"animation resume"}   // Resume it
(this plugin doesn't need external graphics, you might just put it in a json file in your plugins folder)
animation running
This condition is true if the animation slot specified by "level" (0 by default) is running right now. If "frame" is provided it will also check for the current visible frame to be the same as "frame".
animation pause
This action pauses the animation slot "level" (0 by default). Additionally sets the frame to "frame" if specified.
animation resume
This action resumes the animation slot "level" (0 by default). Additionally sets the frame to "frame" if specified.

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Re: Animation control


Post by Bearbear76 »

Is it possible to dictate other animations?
For example

Code: Select all

"condition":{"type":"animation running", "id":"animation ID"},

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Re: Animation control


Post by JustAnyone »

Yes, using sloths slots.
"level":1 will use 2nd animation which is defined in building "animation".

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Imran M
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Re: Animation control


Post by Imran M »

So, you can make this stop and start an animation with this type of fun?

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Re: Animation control


Post by Lobby »

Yes, that's what it's for.

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Imran M
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Re: Animation control


Post by Imran M »

Hey, could I get some help? I followed it to a T, but it won't change when I click on it.

Code: Select all    Reset

[{ "id":"2x2HD SE", "type":"animation", "frames":[{ "bmp":"Hangar Doors.png", "x":0, "y":0, "w":16, "count":1, "count y":15, "count x":0 }] },{ "id":"2x2HD SW", "type":"animation", "frames":[{ "bmp":"Hangar Doors.png", "x":16, "y":0, "w":16, "count":1, "count y":0, "count x":0 }] },{ "id":"2x2 Hangar SE", …//same "frames":[{ "bmp":"2x2 Hangar.png", "x":0, "y":0, "w":64, "count":1 }], …//Same "animation":[{ "id":"2x2HD SE", "x":36, "y":-6 }], "on click fun":{ "condition":{"type":"animation running"}, "action":{"type":"animation pause"}, "else action":{"type":"animation resume"} } },{ "id":"2x2 Hangar SW", … //Code that doesn't really matter "frames":[{ "bmp":"2x2 Hangar.png", "x":64, "y":0, "w":64, "count":1 }], …//Same "animation":[{ "id":"2x2HD SW", "x":12, "y":-6 }], "on click fun":{ "condition":{"type":"animation running"}, "action":{"type":"animation pause"}, "else action":{"type":"animation resume"} } }]
JSON checker
2x2 Hangar.png
2x2 Hangar.png (3.91 KiB) Viewed 16745 times
Hangar Doors.png
Hangar Doors.png (466 Bytes) Viewed 16745 times
Hangar that don't
(5.21 KiB) Downloaded 423 times

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Re: Animation control


Post by CommanderABab »

Imran M wrote:
23 Jan 2021, 20:55
Hey, could I get some help? I followed it to a T, but it won't change when I click on it.

Code: Select all

    "id":"2x2HD SE",
        "bmp":"Hangar Doors.png",
        "count y":15,
        "count x":0
    "id":"2x2HD SW",
        "bmp":"Hangar Doors.png",
        "count y":0,
        "count x":0
    "id":"2x2 Hangar SE",
        "bmp":"2x2 Hangar.png",
        "id":"2x2HD SE",
    "on click fun":{
        "condition":{"type":"animation running"},
        "action":{"type":"animation pause"},
        "else action":{"type":"animation resume"}
    "id":"2x2 Hangar SW",
    … //Code that doesn't really matter
        "bmp":"2x2 Hangar.png",
        "id":"2x2HD SW",
    "on click fun":{
        "condition":{"type":"animation running"},
        "action":{"type":"animation pause"},
        "else action":{"type":"animation resume"}
2x2 Hangar.png
Hangar Doors.png
Hangar that don't

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Re: Animation control


Post by CommanderABab »

In your animation frames definition, what's this section supposed to do?:

Code: Select all

        "count y":15,
        "count x":0
I've never seen anything with a count y or count x.
Maybe your animation doesn't seem to move because it just has a count of 1 which would be a static image.

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Imran M
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Re: Animation control


Post by Imran M »

CommanderABab wrote:
24 Jan 2021, 13:22
In your animation frames definition, what's this section supposed to do?:

Code: Select all

        "count y":15,
        "count x":0
I've never seen anything with a count y or count x.
Maybe your animation doesn't seem to move because it just has a count of 1 which would be a static image.
I thought you needed the count x/y to give a sort of point to the anim, then you can specify where you want it?
I think you're right, I wanted it be sort of like a door, and when you click on it, it turns off/disappears. But, it appears that it doesn't remove the animation, it stops it. Do you have anything like a "turn off animation" action?

I could just create 2 more frames (one closed and one opened for each rotation) and just get it to switch frames, kind of like how Lobby did it with that button. However, that'll require more plugin space.

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Re: Animation control


Post by CommanderABab »

It would be:

Code: Select all

"handle y": 15,
"handle x":0

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