SIO IV Shader

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SIO IV Shader


Post by dnswodn »

This plugin is CREDIT - Contents of this plugin may only be reused if you give credits to the authors.
Credits: dnswodn and TheoTown Team.
Hello~ I am dnswodn, here is my plugin SIO IV Shader.
:arrow: You can see SIO IV Shader: Customzing in Reply#2.

Version 1.0
(11.35 KiB) Downloaded 545 times
Need a minimum version of 1.10.82 to use.

SIO Summer

SIO IV Shader allows users to customize their own shader by modifying the src file. Here is the tutorial:

For iOS :ios
I advise you to use an app called Shaderly to write the GLSL codes, you can download it in AppStore.

For Android :android
I use MT files manager to write the codes.

For desktop :windows :linux
I don't have a PC, but I think VScode is a good choice.

No matter which platform you are, the steps following are same.
1. Rename the file sio4customfragment.src to sio4customfragment.fsh.(Skip this if you can open src files)
2. Open the file, find comment "Type commands below me", you will see an example.
3. Now you can start to customize your shader by typing commands.
4. Rename sio4customfragment.fsh back to sio4customfragment.src.

Attention :!: All the numbers you type must be a decimal.
For example, 1 is incorrect, you should type 1.0. 10 is incorrect, 10.0 is correct.


doExposure(sio4COL, number);
Adjust the exposure, number is the intensity.

doContrast(sio4COL, number);
Adjust the contrast, number is the intensity.

doTemperature(sio4COL, number);
Adjust the temperature, number is the intensity,if numbers > 0 the screen will be warm, if numbers < 0 the screen will be cold.

doSaturation(sio4COL, number);
Adjust the saturation, number is the intensity.

doVibrance(sio4COL, number);
Adjust the vibrance, number is the intensity.

doBrightness(sio4COL, number);
Adjust the brightness, number is the intensity.

doColorOverlay(sio4COL, r, g, b, blending factor);
Overlay a color layer on the screen, r,g,b is the rgb value of the color.
The blending factor, typically a value between 0 and 1, is used to determine the blending ratio of two color values during the shading process.

doPBA(sio4COL, old_start, old_end, new_start, new_end);

You can open the file sio4summerfragment.src to see a sample of commands.

What's more? You can use SIO IV test tool to find the best adjustments! You can find it in the main category.
You have to click on the white parts of the sliders to activate them.
That's all, enjoy! :bp
Last edited by dnswodn on 13 Jan 2025, 04:23, edited 2 times in total.

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SIO IV Shader: Customizing


Post by dnswodn »

The adjustments in the below plugin will save.
SIO IV Shader Customizing Version1^
Version 1.0
(8.05 KiB) Downloaded 210 times
SIO IV Shader Customizing Version1^
Version 1.1
(8.27 KiB) Downloaded 282 times
Enjoy! :bp
Last edited by dnswodn on 14 Nov 2024, 06:51, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by dnswodn »

SIO IV Shader
No updates so far.

SIO IV Shader: Customizing
Version 1.1 Update
1. Modified the line height of the UI, now it is shorter.
2. Added a new parameter season, it adjusts the color of trees and grass grounds.
3. Added reset buttons to each slider.
4. Added preset function, now you can save and load your adjustments easily.
5. Fixed some problems and optimized the code.
Preview of New UI:

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Re: SIO IV Shader


Post by dnswodn »

Version 1.1 of the SIO IV Shader: Customizing is now available to download. And the store one will be coming soon. Enjoy!
Thanks for downloading and supporting!🌠❤️

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