Theo Town tutorial

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Theo Town tutorial


Post by BetterBear »

Welcome to Theo Town, Mayor!
In Theo Town you can build the city of your dreams!
And this is my tiny tutorial to help you get started.

Step 1: Connect your city with roads.
Nothing can be built without roads! So, build them first!

Step 2: Build Power Plants and Water Pumps
This is the first requirement of every city in Theo Town: Power and water. Make sure to build them!
In the beginning you can choose (except if you had plug ins):
Power: Small Solar Plant, Wind power Plant
Water: Water Tower

My suggestion is to build the wind plant instead of the solar plant, as they are way more better than the solar one. But, be careful, they produce noise, so you may want to build them in your open or industry area.
When power is ready, be sure to connect it with wires, unless the buildings/zones are close enough.

Tip: You didnt need to place lots of wires in your city, the buildings/zones automatically transmit them.

After the power is ready then build a water tower. Be sure it has a power supply in it, or else it won't work!
When the water tower is done, connect it with pipes. This time, the buildings didn't automatically share, so you will need lots of pipes.

Tip: You must place your water pump in a clean area, or people will be sick!
When both are ready, you can now establish zones!

Tip: You must build the power plant and water pump first before the zones. Remember that they build a long time, unlike the zone buildings which only build at a few days.

Step 3: Raise taxes (if needed)
If you're a little bit in the red, or in need of cash, raise taxes, but remember raising taxes too high will make the people unhappy.
You can raise taxes as high as:
T habitants: 11%
TT habitants: 10%
TTT habitants: 9%

Tip: You must raise taxes at the maximum even you're earning thousands of money, as you may lose them all at dense zoning. Remember, dense zones are really expensive, and 500,000 cash may not be enough.

Step 4: Build Commercials and Industries.
A residential isn't alone: people needs work. So build a Commercial or Industrial. Be sure that things are balanced, so that nothing is wasted.
You must place industrial areas far away in residentials. But the Commercials near indutrials are okay, as they did not care about pollution and noise.
Remember, industrials produce pollution and noise! But as the wealth level increases, Industrial technology become better, and they produce less and less pollution and noise.

Tip: You can build farms as an alternative to industrials. Farms didn't need power and water and their tiles are cheap, but you need a very large land for the plants. The farms didnt produce pollution or noise, either. And keep in mind they are T level only, as well as harbors (except if you had plug ins)

Step 5: Build, Build, Zone, Zone!
Zoning is the key of population and increasing cash, so Zone, Zone, Zone! But be sure to keep an eye in your cash.

When other services are unlocked, such as fire, police, park and education, build them. They can make your people happy and can give a lot of benefits.
For example, if you had:
Power, Water, Parks, Low education: TT habitants
Power, Water, Parks, Sport, Low and High Education: TTT habitants

Funfact: You did not need Fire/Police/Health service to attract higher wealth people, but they are still necessary, as fires and crimes may broke out. At this point the ambulance is useless.

Tip: Middle Parks are the best parks.
Tip: Commercials and Industrials didn't care about any specialization, so High tech stuff still build there without complaining.

Step 6: Build dense zones.
When unlocked you must build them. They are needed for the skycrapers, apartments, bussiness towers and almost all the best Industrials. Dense Zones allows you to build extremely populated buildings, and they are good for population and taxes!
Note: Dense Zones are extremely expensive, so you may want to save some cash for them early in the game.

Funfact: Did you know that you can reach up to 1,000,000 habitants in the Giant map without plug ins? Just dense zones is the solution!

Step 7: Be sure services are balanced!
Keep an eye on your services! If warnings appear, take action immediately. For example you didn't want to have a massive power shortage in your city.

Remember that TT and TTT habitants will not move in the city if their service is unattended, so provide them services!

Tip: Some buildings are way better than others.

Funfact: Religion isn't really needed in your city, if you're an Atheist.

Step 8: Focus in transportation!
Build bus stops, bus depots, alleys and train stations. This will make people movin' and happy!

Tip: You can replace alley trees to zones.
Tip: Disabling Traffic lights can solve traffic.

Step 9: If possible, lower pollution and noise
When the map is nearly full, its time to lower the pollution so more residentials can be built. This is to continue the growth of you city.

Funfact: Trees acts like a wall that blocks pollution/noise/radioactive.

Step 10: Be sure people are happy as your city grows!
Make sure they are happy, or else Riots and Fires will happen!

Funfact: No RCI buildings will build when a riot is happening.
Funfact: Rioters are more likely to burn public and rich buildings.

So, Good luck on your city!
I might extend this post if needed
Last edited by BetterBear on 29 Apr 2017, 12:42, edited 1 time in total.

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Mayor Jeffrey IX
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Post by Mayor Jeffrey IX »

BetterBear wrote:Tip: You can build farms as an alternative to industrials. Farms didn't need power and water and their tiles are cheap, but you need a very large land for the plants. The farms didnt produce pollution or noise, either.
I think you should add that farms are T level only.

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Post by CommanderABab »

Farms and harbors may be level TT also.

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Post by Mayor Jeffrey IX »

Oh yeah. If you have plugins.

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Re: Theo Town tutorial


Post by dom.stephen »

How about planning for city expansion? What would be better, a grid or something else?

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Re: Theo Town tutorial


Post by FranchuFranchu »

Grids are good, but they are boring.

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