Embracing New Horizons: Theotown's Journey to the Microsoft Store

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Embracing New Horizons: Theotown's Journey to the Microsoft Store


Post by rose_marly »

Hey fellow Theotown enthusiasts!

I hope this post finds you all in high spirits and eager to explore exciting possibilities. Today, I want to present a suggestion that could revolutionize the way we experience our beloved game. Picture this: Theotown, available for free on the Microsoft Store. Intrigued? Let's dive into the details and discover the potential behind this innovative move.

The idea of a free version of Theotown on the Microsoft Store might raise a few eyebrows initially, but let's take a closer look at the possibilities it offers. First and foremost, a free version opens the gates to an ever-expanding player base. More players mean a more vibrant community, enhancing our gaming experience with fresh ideas, collaboration, and a sense of camaraderie.

Now, let's talk finances. Theotown on Steam comes with a modest price tag of $8, a fair cost for the fantastic gameplay it offers. However, by embracing the free-to-play model on the Microsoft Store, we unlock a potential revenue stream that goes beyond initial game sales. Advertising can become a valuable ally in this new endeavor, with the potential to generate significant income.

Consider this: an average ad view can bring in around $0.10. If players engage with just three ads per day, that's roughly 90 ads per month. Multiply that by the growing number of players who join us in this journey, and the financial possibilities become increasingly enticing. The revenue generated from ads alone could potentially surpass the income gained from selling the game outright, providing the development team with a fresh avenue for growth and support.

Beyond the financial aspect, a free version of Theotown on the Microsoft Store opens doors to engaging with a wider audience. The exposure and accessibility offered by a prominent platform like Microsoft Store have the potential to attract players who might not have considered Theotown otherwise. This influx of new enthusiasts not only adds diversity to our community but also increases the likelihood of continued updates, expansions, and improvements from the development team.

Of course, this suggestion doesn't overlook the importance of ensuring a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience. Balancing the integration of ads while maintaining the core essence of Theotown is key. Striking a harmonious equilibrium that respects both the players' enjoyment and the need for financial sustainability is a challenge worth undertaking.

So, fellow Theotown enthusiasts, let's discuss this proposition openly. The potential benefits are apparent: a larger community, financial growth, and a chance to introduce Theotown to an even broader audience. It's an opportunity to embrace new horizons while staying true to the game we know and love.

I invite you to share your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions regarding this proposed expansion to the Microsoft Store. Together, we can shape the future of Theotown and make our voices heard.

Keep building, keep dreaming, and let's embark on this exciting journey together!

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Re: Embracing New Horizons: Theotown's Journey to the Microsoft Store


Post by Kulche »

Did you really write an entire essay to support some kind of a mediocre, obscure idea? Sounds a little excessive to me lol
I'm afraid that won't quite work well considering TheoTown is already on Steam; nobody uses Microsoft Store, and nobody is going to watch ads on pc either.

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Re: Embracing New Horizons: Theotown's Journey to the Microsoft Store


Post by rose_marly »

there are people who would be willing to use Microsoft store to play theotown. a majority of players come from south and south-east aisa, and are free to play users. Most of them cant access paid titles due to cultural differences since many of these nations are developing. I my self am from these regions. The main success of theotown was primarily because of it being a free title and widely accessible. Giving these users a free way to access to a pc platform which removes the bottlenecks of mobile can greatly increase the player interaction in the community and encouraging them to create more plugins and mods for the game. Which can result in creating a better game. The steam version can stay if anyone wants to get a more premium features(free tunnels,uber mode etc)
I my self particularly does not use windows as my mine OS on my pc but, there are many friends I know who would be invested in the game if it were free on pc. In the end giving access to a free pc version can appeal to a audience who are relatively free and can invest more time into the game

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Re: Embracing New Horizons: Theotown's Journey to the Microsoft Store


Post by Kamikazi »

rose_marly wrote:
23 May 2023, 16:24
there are people who would be willing to use Microsoft store to play theotown. a majority of players come from south and south-east aisa, and are free to play users. Most of them cant access paid titles due to cultural differences since many of these nations are developing. I my self am from these regions. The main success of theotown was primarily because of it being a free title and widely accessible. Giving these users a free way to access to a pc platform which removes the bottlenecks of mobile can greatly increase the player interaction in the community and encouraging them to create more plugins and mods for the game. Which can result in creating a better game. The steam version can stay if anyone wants to get a more premium features(free tunnels,uber mode etc)
I my self particularly does not use windows as my mine OS on my pc but, there are many friends I know who would be invested in the game if it were free on pc. In the end giving access to a free pc version can appeal to a audience who are relatively free and can invest more time into the game
Those people have something better: TheoTown on mobile. That's what the majority of those free player play on, and pretty much everyone has a phone. Don't you guys have phones? Also, it will probably cost something to publish the game on the Microsoft store for marginal returns... Well that's not worth it for them even financially.

Also nice speech you made with ChatGPT, you totally cared about it that you didn't bother to write it yourself

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Re: Embracing New Horizons: Theotown's Journey to the Microsoft Store


Post by rose_marly »

Well, well, looks like you caught me. Nice observation, I guess. To be honest, I kinda took the lazy route and didn't put in the effort to come up with a solid argument for Theotown being free on the Microsoft Store. External factors and all that, but let's not dwell on it because it's not a strong argument anyway.

But hey, you're absolutely right! Sure, people have phones, but playing on a PC can offer better performance and technical convenience. Plus, some folks might be more inclined to invest more time in gaming on a PC compared to a mobile device. I mean, even me and my buddies have spent more hours on our PCs than on our phones. So, having Theotown available on another platform just adds more options and flexibility for players. Nothing wrong with that, right? let's not limit ourselves to just one platform. Give players the chance to enjoy Theotown on PC or mobile, or whatever floats their boat

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Re: Embracing New Horizons: Theotown's Journey to the Microsoft Store


Post by Pwyll »

rose_marly wrote:
24 May 2023, 12:12
But hey, you're absolutely right! Sure, people have phones, but playing on a PC can offer better performance and technical convenience. Plus, some folks might be more inclined to invest more time in gaming on a PC compared to a mobile device.
it's already possible to play the free version with an android emulator

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