Night lights not working.

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Orange Astronaut
Posts: 60
Joined: 23 Aug 2023, 13:55
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Night lights not working.


Post by DGYT »

Im trying to add night lights to my plugin but its not working,
can anyone help me out please?

heres the code:

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[ { "id":"$Trhouse_wh_Light00", "type":"animation", "light":true, "light switching":true, "frames":[ {"bmp":"treeHouse_1Light.png", "count": 1, "h":32, "w":32} ], "rotation aware":false }, { "id": "$Trhouse_wood_house00", "type": "residential", "author": "DGYT", "width": 1, "height": 1, "frames": [ {"bmp": "treeHouse_1.png"} ], "title": "Oak Tree House", "text": "Tree House, Trees and Grass texture by Lobby...", "influence happiness":10, "influence pollution":-5, "influence noise":-5, "influence nature":10, "influence radioactive":-5, "needs road": true, "level": 1, "people": 2, "price": 1, "monthly price": 1, "bulldoze price": 1, "build time": 1, "draw ground": true, "category":"$cat_TreeHouse", "animation": [{"id":"$Trhouse_wh_Light00", "x":9, "y":-16}] }]
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