Re-escript for Maomistan War now Maomistan Civil War (2011-2023)

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Re-escript for Maomistan War now Maomistan Civil War (2011-2023)


Post by Theoconstruktor »

How to rewrite history for @J-G S
And also posted on Youtube! :) :66:


At the beginning of the first Arab Spring of 2011 and at that time the country was under the Ahmar Qaffen III (Very rich while Corruption still and citizens wants a Republic not Kingdom like the sedilians arabs), although it was an absolute monarchy, the protests were large and after the first death, the rebels declared themselves against the government. The entry of ISIS and Al-Qaeda shaped the situation and several pretenders emerged to govern the entire country. ISIS and Al-Qaeda formed by Azmar Maarshai constantly threatened, in 2016 Kaffa was executed by Maomistan rebels. The UN had the MLF as an ally and actor, which managed to conquer the capital, then the country was divided into 3 sides, Maomistan Rebels and Radicals negotiated and in 2016 they joined together and formed the MILAM, which had the objective of forming an Islamic state in Maomistan, thus another period began. and the war took another turn in 2017, MILAM carried out terrorist attacks and approached ISIS operating in Renev and Babel.

- Ghaila attack: 3 car bombs explode at the Sethland embassy in Maomistan and leave 70 dead, including American citizens

- 2017 San Christopher attacks
Together with the Al Moors jihadist cell, they carry out several coordinated attacks: an oil platform, the port and the airport, leaving more than 329 dead.{Reason for Airistan to invade}

- Suicide attacks against the USS Cole: 2 suicide bombers explode against the USS Cole, killing 20 soldiers (OIL?!?! ARABS?!?! YIHADIST?!?!? INVADE!)

- Suicide attack on the Frogne embassy: Attack with 3 suicides explode in the Frogne embassy, ​​they achieve their objective of assassinating Frogne's representative in Maomistan, this got out of hand and left more than 50 dead {Definitely WAR!!! }

This was reason enough to intervene in Maomistan after the UN approved the MLM for liberation in 2017.

This extended until 2023 when the war became a war of attrition with many deaths and an agreement was reached that disarmed MILAM but it became a political party and they clearly won the 2023 elections and established a parliamentary monarchy with the New king.

(Falcon Islands changed to Fatra Islands (Reason: It doesn't sound very Arabic and despite having been a British colony, buh) )

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