Those are basically road alignment aware frames that can be attached on top of any road, similar to animations that are defined directly by a road.
How it may look like This one is simple for the purpose of demonstration. I'm confident that you can come up with something that is way better.
The frame we want to use as decoration The usage is supposed to follow this scheme The basic structure of road decorations is to define all the needed frames as animation obejcts which can then be referenced in the road decoration object. So here they may look like
Code: Select all
{"id":"$anim_roaddeco_sample00_00","type":"animation","frames":[{"bmp":"frames.png","x":0,"w":32,"handle y":8}]},
{"id":"$anim_roaddeco_sample00_01","type":"animation","frames":[{"bmp":"frames.png","x":32,"w":32,"handle y":8}]},
{"id":"$anim_roaddeco_sample00_02","type":"animation","frames":[{"bmp":"frames.png","x":64,"w":32,"handle y":8}]},
{"id":"$anim_roaddeco_sample00_03","type":"animation","frames":[{"bmp":"frames.png","x":96,"w":32,"handle y":8}]}
So now we have 4 animation objects that hold our frames that we want to put on top of roads. The basic road decoration structure looks like
Code: Select all
"type":"road decoration",
"title":"Sample deco",
"text":"I am a road decoration.",
Code: Select all
"animation fg":[
Code: Select all
"frame animation indices":[
"frame animation fg indices":[
Here you can get the whole plugin: Road decoration objects also support the basic fun attributes fun, on click fun and random fun.
Since 476: The attribute "speed" can be used to apply a speed multiplier to the underlaying road. Default value is 1.0
New attributes are
New attributes since version 1.9.96 (which allows you to enable experimental multi road decorations per road tile in the settings):